
Slavery Statement

Statement of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Protection ​

LMS Global UK Limited provides online tools and expert IT services for HR Managers, Consultants and Learning & Development providers. We operate from our registered office in Cheltenham. We professional qualified sub-contractors from India. We view our overall risks to be low, however, we are not complacent and have a zero-tolerance policy towards any modern slavery or human trafficking rights violations. We are pleased to state our commitment to developing and improving processes throughout our organization to actively prevent the use of slavery or human trafficking either in our own companies or across our supply chain.

We continue to monitor what we believe are key areas of our operation that could potentially be affected; our suppliers, agency workers, and employees. The steps we continue to take to mitigate risk are as follows:


  • Where appropriate we will engage directly with both current and new suppliers in respect of our anti-slavery policy in order to gain a proper understanding of the measures they have in place within their own business and supply chain.
  • Our contractual documentation incorporates the specific prohibition against slavery or servitude, the use of forced, compulsory or trafficked labour and child labour in line with our policy and our contracted suppliers must hold their own suppliers to the same standards.
  • We reserve the right to terminate any contractual arrangement if there is a breach of our anti-slavery policy.

Agency Workers

We do not employee any agency workers.


  • We verify that all employees have the right to work in the country in which our businesses reside upon commencement of employment.
  • All employees are given a contract of employment and Employee Handbook in line with appropriate legislative requirements.
  • All employees are paid in accordance with their roles and above minimum statutory pay provisions.

LMS Global Limited complies with the employment laws of the UK and expects that those that we do business with to do the same. We continue to take steps to provide our procurement and HR personnel with appropriate training to understand the broader issues of modern slavery so as to assist them in appreciating the extent of the problem within the UK and across the globe, and to identify areas of the business that may be at risk from inappropriate practices.